Welcome! I’m glad you have ventured onto this page.
In the last few years, God has been moving in unprecedented ways bringing a fresh wind to His body. Even more, the people of our church have been going out among their friends, family, co-workers, and into the community where we are seeing God move by His Spirit to change lives, heal, deliver, and bring people into a new level of relationship with Jesus Christ.
Our message to you is pretty simple. You are the house of God (Bethel) and you’re called to Bethe1 who changes your world to see His will done “On Earth as it is In Heaven!”
We have intentionallykept this website pretty simple. There are links to our Sunday messages that you can watch on YouTube or listen to via streaming audio. You can also freely download any message to listen to later.
If you are able, come join us for our weekly Sunday meeting at 10:00 AM. We’ll do our best to equip you and send you out onto the “field” ready to bust through the enemy’s line and bring God’s touch down to a world in need.
We believe that you are destined to be a “supernatural being having a temporary earthly experience” and not the other way around.
God is rocking our world!
Pastor Tim Hacker